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About Monero Block Music Generator

The Monero Block Music Generator is a unique project that transforms Monero blockchain data into musical compositions. Here's how it works:

1. Data Collection

For each block, we collect the following data from the Monero network:

2. Music Generation

The collected data is used to generate music as follows:

3. Sound Generation Process

The sound is generated through the following steps:

  1. The block hash is converted to a series of decimal numbers.
  2. Each number is used to select a note from the musical scale derived from the nonce.
  3. A sine wave is generated for each note, with its frequency determined by the selected scale note.
  4. The amplitude of each sine wave is modulated to create a more complex sound.
  5. The resulting waveform is converted into raw audio data.

4. Audio Output

The raw audio data is converted into a WAV file using the SoX (Sound eXchange) command-line tool. This WAV file can be played directly in the browser or downloaded for offline listening.